What is SOUP?
Pontiac SOUP is a micro-granting event celebrating and supporting creative projects in Pontiac. Guests donate a minimum of $5 to hear from four presentations ranging from art, urban agriculture, social justice, social entrepreneurs, education, technology and more along with receiving dinner and a chance to vote on an organization to receive the money. Each presenter has four minutes to share their idea and answer four questions from the audience. At the event, attendees eat, talk, share resources, enjoy art and vote on the project they think benefits the city the most. At the end of the night, we count the ballots and the winner goes home with all of the money raised to carry out their project. Winners come back to a future SOUP dinner to report their project’s progress. The goal of the night is to not only raise awareness for different issues in the community and share organizations that are doing something about them, but also to build connections within the community.

Interested in Donating?
Pontiac SOUP utilizes PayPal to accept donations. Please click on the Donate link below to give.
All donations will be given to the business that is the winner at the event.

Interested in Sponsoring?
Pontiac SOUP runs solely on donations and sponsorships to operate events. All proceeds during the events go to the participating organizations. We would love to discuss sponsorship opportunities with any business or organizations that would be interested in partnering.
For sponsorship opportunities, reach out to Scott Stewart at PontiacSOUP@gmail.com.